Friday, 24 September 2010

Research Into Documentary Genre (Prescilla Nyemba)

Like films there are different genres in documentries. There are a number of different ways you can approach a particular subject and the way you approach it will give your documentary a different feel. There are documentries such as observational which follows a "fly-on -the-wall" approach. This technique focuses on observing different subjects in typical, everyday situations. This can also fall under the realistic/original catigory because it includes everyday people, in other words non actors.
    Documentaries in general are separated from fictional films because the majority of them like observational ones portray real life situations and issues so it can create awareness to the audience. Other documentaries also set out to entertain the audience. These documentaries are usually reality television which are based on a television programme or unscripted, dramatic or humorous situations. However when it comes to documentaries the main aim is to put an opinion or theory across to the. This all relies on the authenticity audience. 
    The way documentaries convey information can also alter peoples opinions and attitudes towards particulars topics. Altering the audiences opinions and attitudes weather the documentary is to entertain or inform isn't an easy job. So the way the information is put across to the audience it important. When it comes to a documentary the are many purposes. A simple recording of events such as a home video or polemic texts that arouse argumentative views such as the controversial Bowling For Columbine can both be put in the category of being a documentary.  It's crucial that the audience sees the purpose early on to decode the text differently to fictional narratives. This also enhances the importance of the title its self.