Tuesday 5 October 2010

List Of Cutaways (Chanel Akinwande)


  • People walking down the highstreet - reason being is that we felt like it represented society
  • Young mums walking down the street - subject matter 
  • A teenager  different shots of her body - shows effect of pregnancy
  • Pregnant teens baby stuff - preparation for the baby
  • Teen mum where she lives - shows the reality of teen mothers home
  • Teen mum playing with child - shows her reality
  • Teen mum feeding the baby - shows her reality
  • Teen mum pushing buggie - reality
  • Clinic people walking in an out - interview is taking place there
  • Sexual Health Clinic walking in and out - shows young people avoiding teen pregnancy
  • A welcome to Romford sign - as we interviewing romford Mp
  • Teen dad making a bottle - shows his reality
  • Teen dad playing with child - shows his reality
  • Newspaper ad - shows the media view
  • Catholic church - filming an interview there
  • Catholic Church - the venue, showing catholic church environment
  • Romford town hall - filming Romford MP
  • Contraception - shows young teens avoiding pregnancy
  • Children playing in the park - shows children