Friday 15 October 2010

Profiles of the interviewees (Rebecca Ogunmola)

Name: Daniel
Gender: Male
Occupation: University Student/part time job
Reason to be interviewed: We have selected Daniel as one of our interviewees because he is a teenage father, and we would like to get an insight into how having a baby has effect his life and also his thoughts and views of teenage pregnancy and how it has effect society.

Questions he would be asked:
  • How has being a father at such a young age affected your life?
  • How are you perceived by the people around you now that you have a child?
  • Would you encourage teens to be more safe when having sexual intercourse?
  • What is your view of teenage pregnancy in society?

Name: Yinka
Gender: Female
Occupation: College student
Reason to be interviewed: Jade was selected as one of our interviewees as she has previously been an teenage mother, this allows us to get understand the views of teenagers going through pregnancy and what they see as pros and cons of the journey.

Questions she would be asked:

  • What was your lifestyle before you was pregnant?
  • If you could go back in time would you change anything?
  • What advice would you give to young mothers going through pregnancy?
  • How has your life changed now that you’re a mother?

Gender: Female
Occupation:  Teenage pregnancy adviser
Reason to be interviewed: To understand the support given 
to teens that are pregnant.

Questions she would be asked:

  • What help and support do you offer to help pregnant teens?
  • Do you offer help and support to the fathers of the babies as well?          
  • Do you think teen age pregnancy is becoming a problem?
  • In what way do you educate young teenagers about contraception to avoid teenage pregnancy? 
  •  How can pregnant teenagers out there get in touch with you ?

Name: Kemi                                                                                    
Gender: Female
Occupation: N/A
Reason to be interviewed: As she is currently a pregnant teen we would like to get an insight to how she is coping with her pregnancy and how people react towards her.

Questions she would be asked:

  • Was the pregnancy planned?
  • Was there question about weather or not to keep the baby? i.e abortions or adoptions?
  • How do you feel about the young adults going through pregnancy who chose to abort the baby?
  • How has this pregnancy changed your life?
  • Do you feel that you are judged when people see that you are pregnant?
  • Do you think your ready to be a mother?
  • Do you receive any support?
  • How has this effected your education?
  • Has being pregnant been a positive thing in your life?

    Name:Andrew Rosindell                                                                 
    Occupation: MP
    Reason to be interviewed: To get a political view on teenage pregnancy

    Questions he would be asked:

    • What are the statistics on teenage pregnant in Britain?
    • Is there a rise in the numbers of teenage pregnancy over the past five years?
    • What are you doing to decrease the number of pregnancies each year?
    • What is your view on teenage pregnancy?

    Name: Father Thomas                                     
    Gender: Male
    Occupation: Priest
    Reason to be interviewed: To have a catholic view on teenage pregnancy.
    Questions she would be asked:
    • What is the catholics view on teenage pregnancy?
    • Do you see teenage pregnancy as a bad thing?
    • What would your ministry do if a young girl came with pregnancy troubles?
    • What is your view on teenage pregnancy in society?